
Thứ Hai, 5 tháng 3, 2012

"Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world."
                           — Percy Bysshe Shelley currently features biographies of more than 500 poets, with new pages being added all the time. Sign up for the Update to receive monthly e-mail updates, including news about the poets, poems, and features most recently added to
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Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz
Juana was a voracious reader in her early childhood, hiding in the hacienda chapel to read her grandfather's books from the adjoining library. She composed her first poem when she was eight years old.
Stéphane Mallarmé
In the 1880s, Mallarmé was at the center of a group of French writers including Andre Gide, Paul Valéry and Marcel Proust that he referred to as "The Decadents."
Thomas Merton
Merton published nearly 50 books in his lifetime. Inspired by Gerard Manley Hopkins' conversion to Catholicism and the priesthood, Merton was baptized in 1938, and began studying the catechism of the Catholic church.
Geoffrey Chaucer
Now considered the "Father of English literature," Chaucer held several positions early in his life, serving as a noblewoman's page, a courtier, a diplomat, a civil servant, and a collector of scrap metal.
A celebrity throughout Europe, Petrarch travelled widely for pleasure and is sometimes called "the first tourist." Known for his work reviving interest in classical literature, Petrarch is also considered the "father of Humanism."
Rachel Wetzsteon
In a New York Times feature article about the poet, her work is described as "hard-edged yet sinuous, rich with feeling yet unsentimental." She recently passed away on December 25, 2009.
Marie Howe
Author of three collections of poetry, Howe is also the editor of an anthology of American writing from the AIDS pandemic. She lives in New York City and teaches at Sarah Lawrence College, New York University, and Columbia University.
Leslie Scalapino
Both as a poet and publisher, Scalapino is a renowned promoter of experimental verse, often working in collaboration with other poets. Despite ties to many language poets, she is both separate and vital to that school of thought.
Philip Appleman
Born in Indiana in 1926, Philip Appleman served in the U.S. Army Air Corps during World War II and in the Merchant Marine Cadet Corps after the war.
Kenneth Goldsmith
A key figure in "conceptual poetry," Goldsmith describes his aesthetic as "a poetics of the moment, fusing the avant-garde impulses of the last century with the technologies of the present."
Phillip Lopate
A poet and essayist, as Lopate puts it: "Though I am known today mostly as an essayist, occasionally as a fiction writer, for about fifteen years I wrote poetry."
Ira Sadoff
Born in 1945 to Russian immigrants, Sadoff has published numerous books and served as poetry editor of The Antioch Review as well as co-founder of The Seneca Review.
New & Improved

New poems, photos, links, and more have been added to the profiles of Walt Whitman,Sherman Alexie, Deborah Digges, Saskia Hamilton, Ben Jonson, Keith Waldrop, James Dickey, Frank O'Hara, Constantine Cavafy,Rosanna Warren, Brigit Pegeen Kelly, Louise Glück, James Tate, Mahmoud Darwish, Marvin Bell, Derek Walcott, Alice Walker & Lucie Brock-Broido

I wish I loved the Human Race

I wish I loved the Human Race;
I wish I loved its silly face;
I wish I liked the way it walks;
I wish I liked the way it talks;
And when I'm introduced to one,
I wish I thought "What Jolly Fun!"

What a piece of work is a man!

What a piece of work is a man!
How noble in reason!
How infinite in faculty!
in form, in moving, how express and admirable!
in action how like an angel!
in apprehension how like a god!
the beauty of the world!
the paragon of animals!
And yet to me, what is this quintessence of dust?
man delights not me; no, nor woman neither,
though, by your smiling, you seem to say so.

At Tara today in this fateful hour

At Tara today in this fateful hour
I place all heaven with its power,
and the sun with its brightness,
and the snow with its whiteness,
and fire with all the strength it hath,
and lightning with its rapid wrath,
and the winds with their swiftness along their path,
and the sea with its deepness,
and the rocks with their steepness
and the earth with its starkness:
all these I place,
by God's almighty help and grace,
between myself and the powers of darkness.

fateful: with serious, often disastrous, consequences
wrath: great anger

Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?

Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?
Thou art more lovely and more temperate.
Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,
And summer's lease hath all too short a date:
Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,
And often is his gold complexion dimm'd;
And every fair from fair sometimes declines,
By chance, or nature's changing course, untrimm'd;
But thy eternal summer shall not fade
Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow'st;
Nor shall Death brag thou wand'rest in his shade,
When in eternal lines to time thou grow'st.
So long as men can breathe or eyes can see,
So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.

Chủ Nhật, 4 tháng 3, 2012

Listen to English by TV and Radio

Listen to television or radio news in English on your computer. From this page you can get instant access to English language TV and radio news programmes wherever you are in the world, without a TV or radio. Perfect for listening practice.

Russia Today

Russia Today presents free news events and interviews from a mainly Russian viewpoint. Generally speaking excellent and clearly-spoken English.

Al Jazeera English

Al Jareera presents news and current affairs from a Middle East perspective with videos and podcasts. Not all of their content is free.

BBC World Service

The BBC (British Broadcastic Corporation) presents free news and current affairs programmes with a mainly British English accent and Western bias.

VOA Special English

VOA (Voice of America) offers free news coverage spoken in simple American English with a core vocabulary of 1500 words and an American bias.

Thứ Sáu, 2 tháng 3, 2012

Self-review writing skills scholarshipWhat is a self-review?True to its name (personal statement), all self-review is basically an article about yourself. Any well-known universities when scholarship students are asked: "Why should we get you in school? Why do you deserve a scholarship or why you choose to study this? "Or write about the experience and success you achieve, but not mentioned in the application form. Limit one essay usually about 500 words.How to achieve the purpose of transmission of a self-review?- Exercise is a prerequisite. If you wrote a few essays, you will have experience and skills when they start writing their formal essay.- Focus on thinking about the outline. After you've selected a topic, you develop outlines general You do not write complete sentences, just like writing lists, draw pictures, make charts ...- Write a brief. Most of the essays limited to about 300-600 words. That limitation is not much you can convey your message to the scholarship board. So avoid using the word or phrase redundant, cumbersome and unnecessary.- No off-topic. Always make sure that your essay answer in the subject matter. For example, an essay on the theme: "you have learned any lessons in a difficult situation", you will easily fall into the situation described instead of writing about what you've learned from it .- Avoid boring writing style. Let council scholarship that you are not a candidate in boring and lackluster group of other students. Do not hesitate to express your personality.- Be specific. Do not write a roughly- Use specific evidence, that it will be a lot better than a general proof.- Avoid using words too rhetorically. Council scholarship will not like if your writing style or flashy restrictive. Let the article be natural and smooth.- Avoid clichés. Be Creative- To show the idea in his own words.- Write the impressive conclusion. While the beginning is the most notable part of the essay, the conclusion is equally important. One end is not summarize 400 words I have written before. Rope to the end as it unites all closely.- Check the article. Use the spell checker on your computer or have someone else read and comment on your posts.
To avoid this habit, you need to read pre-defined specific purpose or reason why you are reading that document. Again, you should find out whether you need to read this document? Sometimes you do not have to read the whole book. Select the table of contents and read the Appendix at the first page and last page of the book. Pay attention to the headings of each chapter there is such a new you learned the content of the book.Two. Browse to find the main idea of ​​the whole articleAs you read each chapter, you try to read over the head and the end of each chapter. Let his eyes see the sections and subsections in each chapter because they let you know the order of ideas which the author presents. This way you also the gist of each chapter, which found the gist of the whole book. After reading you have to ask yourself a few questions related to the main content of the article. To answer, you must record the main ideas in the reading process. Write the main idea of ​​this as a summary so you can review later.3. Subdivision to read in order to increase the efficiency of read operationsFor thick books you should break out to read. You should check the information that was read in a book after about 25 pages. This seemingly real waste of time because you have to read a lot whereas this activity was extremely essential as it helps you remember what you've learned and avoid disease "vague" - the disease that the reader very common to have to read much information at once.4. Practice the habit of readingEveryday English skills You practice reading English documents daily. There is so you can read fast and still stay informed. Please choose the difficulty level of material suitable to your level. To maintain the habit of daily reading English, you should select the appropriate material interests or topics that you really care. Practice reading skills in particular English and foreign languages ​​in general is a process. So you take about 30 minutes a day reading material Light Version English!

10 tips to learn vocabulary!

3. Make a picture dictionary.It will help you remember new words much easier to look through their pictures.4. Using the video.The next time you watch a movie recorded by native 5 or 10 things you see but do not know the English word of what they are. Look up these words in a dictionary, and then watch the film, practice using them. Again we see that remember something is easy if we see a picture of it.Five. Tape record a vocabulary.While you walk, drive to work or waiting for the bus that you listen to the tape. First say the word in your native language, then stop saying the word in English. This pause will give you time to answer before you see the correct answer.6. Buy a dictionary of words by meaning.It is a collection of synonyms and antonyms. Try to use many different words. Of course sometimes you will use a word does not fit, but this does not prevent you from using this book useful for building a rich vocabulary.7. Practice new vocabulary when writing.If you have writing assignments, please get out of the new words they learned then try to use them in your posts. If not using new words when speaking or writing school you will quickly forget about them here.8. Practice new vocabulary when doing grammar exercises.Do not waste the precious opportunity to use funds from you to learn.9. Practice new vocabulary when speaking.Lists about five new words you intend to use in class. Try to use them in the discussion. Believe me, you will find a way to drive the story in a way you can use at least a few of these words.10. Read more.Read more not only can improve the reading skills that you can build yourself a rich vocabulary. The readings are often more related to each other and you can learn to use words to guess the meaning of new words. If you know how "processing" then you will have a "good" words that delicious and nutritious.
A. Speaking slowly (Always speak Slowly)Most people agree that learning English speak English as quickly will be more similar to natives by the majority of English learners have difficulty getting information when listening to native speakers say they speak very fast. However, the concept of "speaking as quickly as possible" is completely wrong. Try to speak slowly and correctly. Of course you should not say too slow but not slow enough so you have time to do the work from the lips, tongue and the word correctly. If you slow down the rhythm and accent will become softer, whereas your voice will pronounce heavy and difficult to understand, this is understandable because you will not have enough time to form phonemes and accurate intonation. Let's "control" such as speaking rate appropriate to the basic principle of said can achieve what you want.Two. Pronounce all the sounds in words (Pronounce all the sounds in words)As mentioned above, speaking English with the slow speed will give you time to pay attention to sounds in words. Maybe now, you may miss the last consonant of a word or sound, or syllable is not accented in words. This does not affect it but make it difficult for the listener. Therefore, you should focus to each sound in the word and do not miss the sound of your speaking skills will improve quickly.However, this is not a simple task that requires a lot of effort and tried in practice. After you have completed the task has been set out above, you can start to combine those skills in everyday conversations. Be patient with this step training and you will see a marked progress in speaking English!3. Associated with the grammar that you learned (Stick to grammar you have Mastered)Unlike other languages, English has a word order and grammar rules should be followed. If English is not your native language that you re-apply the principles of grammar in the language you speak English, not unnaturally, a great error you have encountered in English grammar. The implementation of the principle structure and grammar in the practice of speaking English is not simple at all.Therefore, when communicating in English, try to use the grammatical structures that you have learned and mastered. If you only understand the structure and form simple sentences, you should only use them until you can be sure of the correct use of more complex structures. In spoken, no one noticed you used the simple structure or complex to assess your ability and no one even realized the extent of the structure you are using. The only thing they recognize is the error you have, so this rule can be considered as a golden key to your perfect their speaking skills!4. Record what you said (Record Your speech Often)Record what you say is considered the best measure to help you check that you have said correctly? Others can understand you are saying? Recognizing changes in your voice is the first step needed to improve English speaking ability of you. In practice speaking skills with the recorder, you can identify mistakes in transcription, grammar, accents, punctuation, word connections. Order of practice may be:- Almost the first computer equipped with devices for recording, so you can take advantage of them in practice. If the computer is not available, a radio or tape recorder with a digital microphone is a good alternative. Each time such practices, you just need to practice any topic within 1-2 minutes.- Afterwards you just listen to the tape recorder and start the analysis, let's review it objectively when you're talking at the speed like? You can understand how much you say? At the same time underline the words that you have mispronounced, or pronounced lacking (note: the last sound of the word or sound between regularly omitted).- Write down the words you hear or the words you emphasize or accent of the sentence.Five. Volume (Speak loudly enough)One important factor is communication volume, regardless of when you say to a person, 10 people or a hundred people, you also need to say enough to all those present are able to listen to you talk easily? If you talk too small, what happens?- Listeners can ask you again, said to further clarify things either you are presenting.- The attitude of the people will show you that you are experiencing errors in his speech, maybe you will lose confidence and no longer continue.So how to overcome this weakness? The solution is not just a matter of volume but more important is that you practice space. Initially you can only practice speaking in a very small room, then gradually expand your space and change their pitch to tell how to match. However, you can not practice this skill alone because you need to have one (or more) of training with you to assess the reasonableness of your volume, as well as items to your target audience and speak. Practice speaking with a suitable volume will help you become more confident and can adjust their volume to suit each space and different circumstances

Learning English is easy!

Learning English is easy!Online information sourcesOnline learning and online resources will help you a variety of English comprehension is easy. You can find videos online to learn English for free online learning entertainment. You can learn English and listen to the radio programs on the English websiteStep by step approachThis is a special approach in learning foreign languages, namely English. There are special courses that many participants felt very easy and useful. First, there are special programs for the beginner. Each learner will go through the lessons step by step with placing diverse as food, contact with health services, ask for directions and a lot of different wording in practice.The value of "completely immersed in the language"For those who want to learn English in a short period, the term "fully immersed" has a certain value. Basically, this method is associated with the introduction of non-English speaking people to stay in somewhere just to use English language to communicate without any other languages. They will be completely immersed in language, food, customs and even use the language to express.This method is often used with entrepreneurs, experts and even executives. The value of this approach to learning English in that participants have no choice but to have to learn to speak and use language in a certain degreePractice onlineOnline training is one way to learn English is easy and effective. There are a large number of web sites allow you to learn and practice English, as simple as participating in forums or writing emails to friends. Hard training is the best way to learn any skill, and English is not the exception

Thứ Sáu, 10 tháng 2, 2012

September News from TiengAnh123.Com

In September (from 25/8-25/9), TiengAnh123.Com has received over 1.5 million (exactly 1,612,899) hits, with over 12 million (pageviews) page views. Along with browsing speed has improved, TiengAnh123.Com increasingly asserted its leading position in the English language website online in Vietnam. For entries and more features such as improved birth Listen and Write Back section (Listening & Writing) has a lot of members responded and the basic grammar is explained carefully and fully will help you practice English a most interesting way.
TiengAnh123 VIP card is now 200,000 a year. Only with 16.500 VND a month, you have learned and use all the features on the website. You just imagine, if you go to school alone is more a 2h session you will also have to pay a fee equivalent to one year of use TiengAnh123 VIP card. TiengAnh123 Teachers worked hard to score and fix for you, to devise tests to help you understand English better, to sit analyze every word, every word in every sentence you translate to the understand an English sentence is translated like? Try asking for something cheaper, more efficient TiengAnh123 VIP card? If you learn good English, you will have an income of more than 2, 3 or even 10 times when you do not know English.
With TiengAnh123.Com sure you good at English, which is really good at English because of the knowledge on TiengAnh123 is English on CNN, Movies, The speech (speech) of celebrities etc ... You learn English is to understand Bill Gates or Steve Jobs say, to understand in a practical context, English, American English uses the stars, to understand CNN - let alone to make the score 10 in class you are satisfied. That you can achieve with TiengAnh123.Com
VIP Member of TiengAnh123.Com who knows how to invest for your future, and his master a self learning - we take pride in the VIP members on TiengAnh123.Com all of you.


So the 2nd test of our song ended and the synthesis time and scored the organizers have found a third voice has the highest average score.

Here are the 3 best candidates will receive your reward program

- 1st prize winners receive cash and 1,000,000 shall belong to you Sweet Lemon with an average score of 9.25 (hear song)

- 1 Second prize receives 500,000 cash in on your Faith with an average score of 9:05 (hear song)

- Third-prize winners received a cash 300,000 happygirl95 yours with an average score of 8.95 (hear song)

(Average score points by dots plus members of the organizing committee for then divided)

In addition each prize receive a VIP card from organizers or GoldenKids worth 200,000 VND / card.

Have you won please contact the Organizing Committee to receive an award, please send information to:

Full Name: .............................................. ................................................

Address: ............................................... .................................................. ..

Phone: ............................................... ...............................................


Bank Account: ............................................. .................................

Cards (VIP or GoldenKids): .......................................... .............

Ý của bạn là: Tin tuc Cho phép nhập theo phiên âm Nhập văn bản hoặc địa chỉ trang web hoặc dịch tài liệu. Hủy Tiếng Anh Tiếng Việt Tiếng Trung (Giản Thể) Online exchanges with teachers TiengAnh123.Com


End of 2011, a year has greatly changed, TiengAnh123.Com the exchange will hold the first online between members and the teacher in charge of the section on the website. This is an opportunity for members to learn more about the features on the web, online learning well, and that the program will develop in the near future, the review comments with TiengAnh123. People can also send questions to know more about the work of teacher preparation and marking and feel online teacher doing in this new job.

Time exchanges online: starting from 10 am to 11:30 am day 6, 30/12/2011

Guests invited to participate:

Ms. Cam Phuong Dung, head of content - will be responsible for answering questions regarding the content of English adults (grading, school, exam etc.)
Ms. Trinh Thi Ngoc, Head of English children - will be responsible for answering questions related to the children of English content on the website
Ms. Ha Yen, Group basic English - will be responsible for answering questions related to the basic English
Mr. Nguyen Thanh Trung, representative office and technical forum - will be responsible for answering questions related to issues of technical errors and the community activities of TiengAnh123
Last meeting, the organizers will be elected and 03 for 3 VIP card you send or post questions of the participants to submit questions for the meeting.


After one month held "Essay Contest on TiengAnh123.Com and learning English online" the organizers have received 97 submissions from contestants are members are engaged in learning TiengAnh123 website . The article generally has met the requirements of the competition. Through the contest, the organizers will summarize the comments of the increasingly TiengAnh123 you to improve more. Also through the emotions and share your experience when participating in online learning English TiengAnh123 will help other members will have a new experience for learning English online.
For the purpose of offering a useful playground for fun and TiengAnh123 members, the organizers will award three prizes to the three you have the best articles and posting in the shortest time
- 01 Prize for nick is duyenkute93 members with cash is: 1,000,000 VND + 1 VIP card (a card or GoldenKids)- 01 second prize for nick is soyoung89 members with cash is: 500 000 USD + a VIP card (a card or GoldenKids)- 01 Third Prize for nick is HoangThuThuy91 members with cash: 300,000 USD + a VIP card (a card or GoldenKids)
The contest ends has left delight, sorry for the contestants, but has opened up opportunities, new experiences for the members do not understand and know about learning English and special online especially in TiengAnh123.Com English.
Have you won please contact the Organizing Committee to receive an award, please send information to:
Full Name: .............................................. ................................................
Address: ............................................... .................................................. ..
Phone: ............................................... ...............................................
Bank Account: ............................................. .................................
Cards (VIP or GoldenKids): .......................................... .............


As you now know website is English singing competition held every month and the prize is awarded for 3 members have a high average score. After 2 singing competition Organizing Committee has received enthusiastic support from friends and also get a lot of suggestions to improve the program more attractive. After synthesizing the opinions of the BTC would like to inform you change some rules in the English singing competition awarded as follows:

- First prize: 1,000,000 VND.
- Second Prize: 500,000.
- Third Prize: 300,000.
- Third prize winners receive a VIP card or a theGoldenKids.
If you have won the award in previous attempts at this exam will give way once again that you have to score near you for the opportunity you do not have solutions.

The organizers look forward to contributions from the building to each of our competition will become more interesting, more attractive and competitions organized by TiengAnh123 will always be playing, matching the young people all over the country.