Time exchanges online: starting from 10 am to 11:30 am day 6, 30/12/2011
Guests invited to participate:
Ms. Cam Phuong Dung, head of content - will be responsible for answering questions regarding the content of English adults (grading, school, exam etc.)
Ms. Trinh Thi Ngoc, Head of English children - will be responsible for answering questions related to the children of English content on the website
Ms. Ha Yen, Group basic English - will be responsible for answering questions related to the basic English
Mr. Nguyen Thanh Trung, representative office and technical forum - will be responsible for answering questions related to issues of technical errors and the community activities of TiengAnh123
Last meeting, the organizers will be elected and 03 for 3 VIP card you send or post questions of the participants to submit questions for the meeting.
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